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Why You Should Not Ignore a Leaking Shower – The Importance of Immediate Repair

A leaking shower might seem like a minor inconvenience. However, many homeowners can vouch that this seemingly small issue can quickly escalate into a major concern if left unattended. Ignoring a leaking shower can lead to a multitude of issues that can compromise your property and potentially pose health risks. Here are some reasons why… Continue reading Why You Should Not Ignore a Leaking Shower – The Importance of Immediate Repair

Signs Your Leaky Balcony Needs Urgent Repairs

A balcony is often considered a cherished extension of our homes. However, the space may be subject to wear and tear over time. This leads to problems like water seeping and accumulating on the floor surface.    Early detection is vital to avoid severe damage to your property when it comes to identifying a leaky… Continue reading Signs Your Leaky Balcony Needs Urgent Repairs

Successful remedial waterproofing system for leaking balconies

Nobody likes a leaking balcony. It’s not just because there’s mess involved but because when you expect your balcony to be waterproof and it fails, it makes the area far less enjoyable to use. No matter how the job was done in the first place – correctly or incorrectly – a successful remedial waterproofing system… Continue reading Successful remedial waterproofing system for leaking balconies

DIY balcony waterproofing without removing tiles – yes or no?

Staying home is the new going out! As such, we want our homes to be maintained in a condition that’s enjoyable, practical, safe and convenient. But what happens when you have a leaking tiled balcony? Does your mind instantly go to the nightmare of removing tiles to find the leak? What if we told you… Continue reading DIY balcony waterproofing without removing tiles – yes or no?

How to DIY repair your leaking shower without removing tiles

If you think your shower is leaking behind the scenes, you could find that one of the trickiest things about fixing it is knowing exactly where the leak is. After all, you can’t just fix the damage the water leak has caused. You have to fix the leak completely or the damage will continue. How… Continue reading How to DIY repair your leaking shower without removing tiles

Yes, fixing a water leak can be done without removing tiles!

Water leaks are the worst! They seem like a mystery at first. You might notice a damp odour coming from your bathroom, damp water marks in the tiles of your shower floor or swelling cabinetry in the laundry. It’s one of those things that makes just enough of an impact to be noticeable but not… Continue reading Yes, fixing a water leak can be done without removing tiles!