Renovation Experts
Ready to Bring Your Dream Bathroom to Life? Contact us now to schedule a service at 1300 698 559

Waterproofing Repairs And Maintenance
United Trade Links is a provider of multiple professional trades services for residential, commercial and industrial properties.

Preventative Maintenance
United Trade Links is a provider of waterproofing and remedial waterproofing services.

Facility Services
I would like to introduce our organisation, United Trade Links Pty Ltd, that specialise in the business of providing building trade facility services to Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Insurance, Strata, and Industrial premises.

Improve Your Bathroom's Efficiency With Professional Bathroom Makeover Renovations
Address All Your Bathroom-Related Concerns With United Trade Links Today!
Used Technologies
Bathroom Makeover Renovations
Project Detail
While an old bathroom might seem functional, it generally require a lot more energy to run. Be it water or electricity, an energy-efficient bathroom can help you save a lot of money in the long run. Lighting is an effortless way to make your bathroom more energy efficient.
A new toilet can also significantly impact your overall utility bills. Old toilets use 3.5 to 6 gallons of water with each flush. More recent models, on the other hand, use only 1.28 gallons. That is a lot less water! Basic lighting and toilet upgrades can add up to a significant amount of saving over time. Call our United Trade Links experts for a professional bathroom makeover renovation. We also offer several other services, which include, but are not limited to:
- Apply bond breakers/bandages to allow for movement
- Lay new screed to floor
- Remove old floor waste
- Remove old screed
- Remove show screen
To learn more about all our services, call our experts at 1300-698-559 for more information.
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